Was die PK (Präsidentenkonferenz) anfangs Dezember für die Präsis und Vizes von den Schweizer LOMs ist, das ist die EPM für Nationalpräsidenten und ihre Deputys auf Europäischem Parkett.
Wir waren fünf Leute aus der Schweiz:
Etienne Dayer, National President
Ich, Deputy President
Martin Hauri, Immediate Past President
Cédric Cagnazzo, Kassierer vom EDC
Adélaïde Charrière, als Schnittstelle zu den Vereinten Nationen (UN)
Magali Laborde blieb leider zu Hause, da sie nach einem gesundheitlichen Vorfall von ihrem Arzt kein OK bekommen hat, nach Irland zu reisen. Sie ist als "Assistant to the World President" eingesetzt. Wir haben in der Schweiz also richtig viele Ämter, auf internationalem Parkett.
Wir organisieren die Europakonferenz in Basel, was bedeutet, dass wir spezielle Aufmerksamkeit von der gesamten internationalen Community erhalten. Ich durfte die Europakonferenz an der EPM kurz vorstellen und das war meine Speech:
"As you maybe already know, Switzerland will organize this year’s European Conference in Basel. Our motto is CROSSING BORDERS because Basel is just at the DREILÄNDERECK, the three countries edge, what mean that you’re in 10 minutes in Germany or in France.
So I think that you all have already seen all the movies and presentations of the conference. And you all already know, how beautiful Switzerland is.
I will say nothing about the dates, because you already know. And I’ll not tell you, that Etienne Dayer, our national president, is MAYBE going to organize a very special VIP evening on Tuesday night for national presidents in Basel, in a location that is top secret. You’ll get an invitation. Or maybe not. So, don’t wait for it.
(Viel Gelächter. Auf diesen Satz hat mich abends sogar der General Secretary Arrey L. Obenson angesprochen mit dem Bemerkung: "Great speech, Claudia, congratulations!")
But, I’ll give you some information about our program and other things you maybe want to know about the conference. The Congress will take place at the Congress Center in Basel, it’s just in the middle of the city and all busses and trams stop there. The HQ Hotel and the Senators Hotel are just in the same place, about 30 seconds to walk from the Congress center. We have blocked more than 1’500 beds in hotels of all categories as well as family rooms in Basel.
To stay in Switzerland for some nights is cheaper than you may think, and I hope you’ll stay with us. But, if you or your delegates really don’t want to stay in Switzerland they can just hop over the border and sleep in France or Germany, and take the train or a taxi or even walk to the venues. As you see you have plenty of possibilities.
Just check out our program online. We have 5 keynote speakers for the conference, plus 6 additional speakers at the EEEF that will take place at the same time. We’ll have 2’000 trainings places (for example public speaking contest, adventure room, change management, Ogumdo, a Poker workshop, Debating and much more). We’ll have 1’000 company visit places (at Novartis, the Roche Tower, Victorinox Knifes, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar energy etcetera). We’ll play Football and Golf with you, we’ll go swimming in the Rhein, maybe, if it’s warm enough, we have a great kids program and – of course – a special senate program.
Again: Check our website. → The program will be bookable from 14th of April! The regular rate for tickets is now available for 390 Euros until the end of March. If you have questions please ask me, or Etienne or Adélaïde or Magali or Cédric about details.
Just some numbers at the end: We have of course most of the registrations from Switzerland. And over 200 registrations from Germany - thank you for that! Then we have a lot of registrations from Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands and France. And then, listen to that: Lagos! We really have more registrations from Lagos than from other European countries! So I ask you: What about Norway? What about UK? What about Denmark, Estonia, Monaco, Austria, Iceland and all the other countries? We have around 1'000 registrations and would like to have at least 1'500 or even more! So please help us, to back to your country and motivate your members to come - it will be a great experience and a super conference.
We’re looking forward seeing you in Basel!"
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